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Ten Useless Things to do When You’re Bored

By: William Singer and Sasha Soto

Garrison Grapevine Staff


  1. Make yourself Hallucinate. Stare at a blank surface for 20 minutes while listening to white noise.

  2. Find 4 things from the back of your fridge, blend it then drink it.

  3. Open the windows, play annoying music. Wait to see if you annoy the neighbors.

  4. Put a bunch of marshmallows in the microwave and see what happens.

  5. Go to a random person and laugh for a few seconds, then abruptly stop laughing and walk away.

  6. Get a bunch of sticky notes that say haha and stick them everywhere.

  7. Turn on a fan when everyone is around and yell into it.

  8. Put on a shirt that says life on it, then start handing out lemons.

  9. Put vanilla pudding into a jar that says MAYO in it and eat it in a public place.

  10. Drink Sunny D

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